02/08/2023 By admin Off

What is Bevel Gear Blank Checker?

A bevel gear blank checker is a machine that is used to inspect the dimensions and angles of bevel gear blanks. Bevel gear blanks are the raw materials that are used to make bevel gears. They are typically made of steel or other hard materials.

The bevel gear blank checker uses a variety of sensors to measure the dimensions and angles of the blank. These sensors include:

  • Linear encoders: These sensors measure the linear dimensions of the blank, such as the diameter and the face width.
  • Angle encoders: These sensors measure the angular dimensions of the blank, such as the cone angle and the back angle.
  • Touch probes: These probes are used to measure the flatness of the blank’s back surface.

The bevel gear blank checker also uses a computer to display the measurements of the blank. This allows the operator to quickly and easily identify any defects in the blank.

Bevel gear blank checkers are used by gear manufacturers to ensure that the blanks that they use are of the correct dimensions and angles. This is important because the accuracy of the blank will affect the accuracy of the finished gear.

Here are some of the benefits of using a bevel gear blank checker:

  • Increased accuracy: The bevel gear blank checker can accurately measure the dimensions and angles of the blank, which ensures that the finished gear will be accurate.
  • Reduced scrap: The bevel gear blank checker can identify any defects in the blank, which prevents the manufacturer from wasting time and materials on a defective blank.
  • Improved quality: The bevel gear blank checker helps to ensure that the finished gear will be of high quality.

If you are a gear manufacturer, then you should consider using a bevel gear blank checker to improve the accuracy and quality of your gears.