Alfred Schütte SE 16 – 1975 Model

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Nbr of axes 6
Spindle speed 5000 rpm
Weight 4000 kg


The two SE-16 lathes were delivered without bar conducting unit, equipped with elastic mandrels for the subsequent outer machining of cold extruded spark plug shells, fed from hopper.
max. diameter of the bars ( in this case elastic mandrel tail) 18 mm
max. feeding of the bars 120 mm
max. stroke of the longitudinal sledges 80 mm
max. working stroke of the longitudinal sledges 63 mm
max. stroke/ max. working stroke of the transversal upper sledge 42/16,4 mm
central sledge 54/17,2 mm
lower sledge 60/19,2 mm

total number of steps of broaches speed 45

range of broaches speed 400-5000 rot/min
basic machining time 1,25- 4 sec.
electric driving motor 11 Kw, 1500 rot/min.
layout dimensions of the lathe 2600 * 1100 mm
net weight of the lathe 4000 Kg