ELHA DEPO Xpert-K 1212 – Year 2018

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ELHA DEPO Xpert-K 1212 – Year 2018
CNC Horizontal Machining Center 6 Axis

Technical specifications
Manufacturer: ELHA
Designation: Horizontal BAZ
Machine type: Depo Xpert K 1212
Year of construction: 2018
Machine hours: 12892.8 hours
Mass of the plant: 44500 kg
Mass of the largest unit for transport: 32000 kg
Power supply: VAC 400VDC 24
Connected load: kVA 135
Fusing: A 250
Traverse paths X-Y-Z: 500-1200-1000 (mm)
Travel speed max. X-Y-Z: 0/20-0/30-0/30 (min)
Acceleration X-Y-Z (max.): 2.5-3-3 (ms²)
Feed force X-Y-Z: 25000-20000-20000 (N)
Weight balance to support the Y-axis: 2×32 liters
Measuring systems: direct+absolute
CNC control: MTX Indra Drive (Bosch)
Remote diagnostics: Host for MMC
Safety circuit: SafeLogic
Machine panel: MBT
Handset: HBM-111711
Central lubrication table: 1.5 L
Central lubrication machine: 6L
Hydraulic table: 15L
Hydraulic machine: 1000L
Cooling: 75L

ELHA 6 axis horizontal machining center

Horizontal high-performance machining center Xpert-K
The newly designed horizontal machining center DEPO XPERT K offers a high degree of flexibility and above-average productivity.

Description Horizontal BAZ
The 6 axes can be controlled individually.
The HSK 100 holder makes it possible to clamp large tools and thus machine large areas with high chip removal.
A high-performance fork head spindle G30 with hydromechanical clamping system and a hybrid pivot bearing in high-speed design is installed, which enables extremely high speeds to be achieved in order to achieve optimal milling results even with the smallest tools.
This fork head is equipped with a fully automated spindle change cycle, which makes it possible to change the entire spindle in less than an hour.
A hydraulic clamping device is installed for clamping components (effective table size 4370mm*2500mm). The large traversing path enables large components to be processed without re-clamping.
A K11 module is installed on the hardware side, which monitors the power consumption of the spindle and uses this data to detect wear and tool breakage and stops the machine.
A fully automatic tool changer from Bosch with a total of 12 magazine locations is installed, which is loaded and unloaded using 2 grippers. While one gripper removes the tool from the spindle, the second gripper is already in front of the spindle and is waiting to change the new tool. The time for changing tools is thus reduced to a minimum.
The machining center has 2 opposite doors for entry into the machine interior and a front airlock for loading and unloading large components.
Chips are conveyed from the interior with two scraper belt chip conveyors into two separate chip containers.
All control cabinets have an air conditioning unit, which makes the electronics independent of external influences.
The machining center has a swiveling tower, which enables processing on several milling tables arranged around the machine one after the other.
The tools are preset using an optical measuring system from ELBO.
Critical spare parts (spindle, bearings, etc.) are also available.