Ersa Powerflow e N2 Wave Soldering – Year 2013

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Ersa Powerflow e N2 Wave Soldering – Year 2013

Working width 400 mm
Number of pre-heating zones 3
Ersa Powerflow e N2 Wave Soldering
Length x width x height 4445.0 × 1425.0 × 1580.0
Weight 2300 kg
Worked hours 1800 hours

Ersa Powerflow e N2 wave soldering system with finger transport system.
– Spray fluxer
– 1,5m preheat with two top side convection units
– Lead free solder pot with double wave. Ersa Powerwave and 5 row main wave nozzle
– Process tunnel with nitrogen analyser to control the atmosphere.
– Maximum working widht 400mm

Manufacturer Catalogue Information about Ersa wave soldering systems :

Technical Highlights:
Lowest cost of ownership
Highest energy efficiency
Lowest energy consumption
Highest machine availability Extremely service friendly
Enclosed fluxer with low maintenance Free programmable fluxing areas Powerful top and bottom heaters Individual configuration of the preheat Wide choice of solder nozzles
for all applications
Sequential soldering
Process gas cleaning
Stable tunnel temperature
N2 level independent from the exhaust system
Flexible conveyor systems to handle all carriers and frames
Divided conveyor for optimal profiling User friendly software
Ready for traceability

The electronics manufacturing industry is faced with constantly increasing demands for efficiency and flexibility. At the same time, its customers require highest quality at unbeatable cheap prices. Manufac- turers respond to these increasing, and sometimes conflicting, chal- lenges by adapting their manufac- turing facilities and strategies. In this tense atmosphere, modern wave soldering systems are an important part of the economic processing of wired components in mass soldering processes.
The many challenges posed by complex electronic assembly units in the processing stage require modern manufacturing systems that are able to flexibly adapt to the most diverse demands. The Ersa POWERFLOW concept allows, for the first time, to implement these different machine concepts into a system.
Thanks to its modular design, Ersa POWERFLOW is available in a variety of configurations, including a high- end full tunnel inert gas soldering system and open atmosphere wave
soldering systems, all of which stand out in terms of availability, cost ef- fectiveness and quality.
Ersa wave soldering systems include the following systems:
The POWERFLOW N2 full tunnel inert gas soldering system represents the maximum expansion stage of this new generation of machines, from which the POWERFLOW e N2 derives as a partially modular full tunnel system.
The POWERFLOW N2 comprises several equipment features: fluxer, pre-heating sections and solder-
ing module offer a wide range of configuration options, thanks to which the system can be adapted for special customer requirements. Particularly noteworthy are the pre- heating section and the soldering module. These available options are specifically customised based on the requirements of lead-free soldering
processes and offer a safe base in the production of highly sophisti- cated and complex assembly units with a high heat capacity.
For manufacturing environments, in which floor space is the main priority, the POWERFLOW e N2 represents
an interesting version. The par-
tially modular design of this series provides all the essential options in a compressed form, which makes the entire system more compact, thus requiring less floor space.
The ETS 330 is a compact wave soldering system for the industrial manufacture of small to medium production volumes. The system is limited in its configuration options and working width, however, it offers easy operation thanks to program controlled processing of the assem- blies to be soldered.
Thanks to the safety of very stable processes and repeatable param- eters, Ersa’s wave soldering systems optimise quality, costs and on-time delivery in the manufacturing pro- cess of our customers.

Today, spray systems are standard equipment for any wave soldering machine, however they differ sig- nificantly in detail. Ersa offers many innovative solutions for the fluxer.
Particular attention is paid not only to the safety of systems but also to their cost effectiveness, i.e. flux material consumption and process- ing speed.
Using high quality materials enables the use of VOC-free flux materials.
Spray sections for specific products can be entered graphically on ER- SASOFT. This highly convenient type of process planning helps to greatly reduce flux material consumption.
If during the production process there is no guarantee that the as- sembly units are always inserted in the same position into the solder frames, the PCB scanner can auto- matically detect the outline of the PCB in order to apply the targeted flux material.
Technical highlights:

Easy to maintain
2 spray heads
Easy to program
Standard containers up to 25 liters

The spray systems are supplied directly from standard containers. Therefore, the decanting of flux ma- terial into solid tanks can be avoided, thus offering maximum safety.
Wave soldering machines also offer appropriate options for the continu- ous monitoring of flux material levels and flux material consumption

Ersa POWERFLUX was developed for the fluxing of assembly units, which are transported in solder masks. The solder masks are often used here to cover already reflow soldered SMT components on the wave soldering side. THT components for the wave soldering process can be found in the open sectors of solder masks.
In a conventional wave soldering process, flux material is applied with spray fluxers. These apply the flux material uniformly and smoothly over the entire solder mask and PCB. This conventional flux process offers two huge potentials for improvement. On the one hand, the flux material must not necessarily be applied on the solder mask. On the other hand, the flux material usually crawls into the capillary gap, which automatically forms between the PCB and the sol- der mask, along the mask openings.
This flux material, which crawls under the mask, can lead to adverse long-term effects on the assembly unit if it comes into contact with flux material residues from the SMT process.
The Ersa POWERFLUX exploits this potential for improvement, since, as with an ink-jet printer, it applies the flux material only to the sections of the assembly unit that are also wave soldered. The solder masks stay dry and the flux material manages not to enter the capillary gap between the assembly unit and the solder mask.
Multi-nozzle flux system consisting of 4 spray heads
Technical highlights:
Lower flux material consumption
Reduced soiling of solder masks
Reduced need of cleaning solder masks
Longer shelf life of solder masks
No contamination in sectors covered by SMD due to the wave soldering flux material

The pre-heating process plays a key role during lead-free soldering, since a substantial portion of the required soldering heat demand is transmit- ted here. The pre-heating section of the POWERFLOW makes sure that, under all operating conditions, the pre-heating process runs in a stable way and is repeatable. It also ensures that set temperature profiles and process windows are observed.
Short-wave infrared emitters trans- fer the different energy amounts almost without inertia.
Thanks to convection modules, which can be arranged below or above PCB conveyors, PCBs can be gently, uni- formly and very effectively heated, whereby heat loss and high tem- perature differences are minimised. Medium-wave emitters also support homogeneous heating of high-mass PCBs.
The speed-controlled blower mo- tors enable the implementation of different heat transfer rates at a constant temperature, which, in turn, is a great advantage in the event of mixed throughput of assembly units.
With the freely configurable pre- heating section, even the greatest demands can be covered.
In addition, the POWERFLOW fea- tures automatic temperature com- pensation. The heating of the system tunnel is measured at suitable points and corrects the temperatures of the pre-heater module accordingly with complex algorithms. In this way, constant operating conditions can be ensured despite variable energy output.
Pyrometers for interactive tempera- ture control or for documentation and future traceability of the PCB temperature are also available as an option.