Longitudinal slide path (x): 300mm
Cross slide path (y): 170mm
grinding head vertical travel (z): 230mm
Swivel range of grinding head (c): 200
Feed rates (x/y/z): 20,000 mm/min each
grinding spindle:
Speed, frequency controlled: 1.800…9.000 rpm
Nominal power of motor: 4,4kW
grinding wheels:
max. diameter: 150mm
Grinding wheels per mounting: 1…3
grinding wheel holder: SK / HSK50
Weight: 1.7t (without accessories)
The machine is in a well maintained condition and can be inspected at any time. A suitable air filtration plant (GEA Multitron Junior) is part of it.
If required, various tool holders and abrasives can also be purchased.
A corresponding oil band filter system can also be offered, if required.