NingJiang CKN1120 – Year 2011

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NingJiang CKN1120 – Year 2011
Integrated machine base to ensure rigidity and stability
Built in spindle motor for both main/sub spindle. High precision ball bearing. Cs axis control and indexing.
Impact structure with low vibration and noise
Gang tool slide with movable headstock. Rotary guide-bush/Fixed guide bush for supporting during cutting.

AC servo control for X, Y、Z、Aaxis.4 axis could be simultaneously controlled. Built-in absolute encoder. High precision linear guide and ball screw featuring high positioning accuracy and rapid travel speed.
FANUC 0i -TD control system with LCD display and MPG control. Self-diagnosis is available.
Full closed cover with tempered glass observing window for machining zone.
Emergency stop button to stop the machine whenever necessary
Inter-lock device for spindle and spindle collet.
Override protection for X、Y、Z、Aslide and overload protection for X、Y、Z、A servo motor and cooling motor.