Parpas SL 75 – Year 1999

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Parpas SL 75 – Year 1999
CNC: Selca 3045
Automatic head in the 2 horizontal / vertical positions.

Manual in intermediate positions with inclination reading on CNC video
Remote electronic handwheel

Useful surface: 2250×750 mm
N. 05 “T” grooves: 18 mm
Center distance between “T” slots: 12 mm
Max. Permissible load: 4000 kg

Longitudinal travels: 2000 mm
Cross travel: 750 mm
Vertical travels: 1200 mm

In rapid (X-Y-Z axes): mm / 1 ‘12000

Horizontal spindle nose / table rear edge: 135 mm
Min. Table surface – horizontal spindle nose: mm -20
Max. Table top – horizontal spindle nose: mm +1180
Max. Vertical spindle nose / table top: 1150 mm

Type: TU60
Spindle nose: ISO 50
Spindle diameter on the front bearing: 85 mm
Automatic head rotation (V-O “a” axis) every: 90 °
Manual head rotation (“b” axis) every 1 °: ± 180 °
Maximum spindle speed: 4,000 rpm
Motor power – constant power section: kW 15
Maximum intermittent power for 5 minutes: 22 kW

Parpas SL 75