Sharp SVX-300-F CNC 5-Axis Vertical Machining Center – Year 2016

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Sharp SVX-300-F CNC 5-Axis Vertical Machining Center – Year 2016


X 30″
Y 23.6″
Z 19.7″
# Axis 5
Power 15 hp
RPM 12,000 RPM
# ATC 24
Taper CT-40 “Big Plus”
Control CNC (Fanuc 31iB5)

Equipped With:

5 Axis Trunnion Rotary Table
24 Position Side Mount Toolchanger
Chip Conveyor
Fanuc CNC Control
CT-40 “Big Plus” Spindle Taper
Coolant Through Spindle Prepped
USB Port
Rigid Tap
Spindle Chiller

2016 Sharp SVX-300-F CNC Vertical Machining Center W/ 5 Axis Rotary Table.
Machine is in great shape and can be inspected under power upon request.