STUDER S20 CNC Grinder Machine
Machine Specifications Studer S20
1 OD wheel
Granitan Base
Fanuc 16GCA with all macro cycles
Center line height 100 mm.
Z axis length of the part 15.75 inch.
Max swivel of table 15Grad,
X axis 5.9 inch
Wheel head power 3KW
Work head taper Morse Taper 4
Weight between centers 45Lb
Tail stock taper 2.
Work piece spindle head:
Number of revolutions 30- 750 rpm
hydraulic system
All electrical prints
Who are we:
We are the machine tool and control Experts.
We work on every type of machine, control, servo and spindle.
We work as contractors for several European OEMs.
All our boards are guaranteed to work.
We criss cross the continent servicing the same parts we sell you.
Most of our parts are stocked for fortune 500 companies as a contract.
We sell them after the contract is over.
If we have used parts they come from machines we retrofitted.
If we have refurbished we got it refurbished from OEM.
We are not a Strip Joint. Meaning stripping and selling for what we can get hoping the parts will work.
We are place of quality.