Wotan Rapid 4K 880-M – Year 1994

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Wotan Rapid 4K 880-M – Year 1994

CNC Heidenhain iTCN 530
X travel 15000 mm
Y travel 2500 mm
Z travel 700 mm
Table length 2000 mm
Table width 2000 mm
Max. workpiece weight 20000 kg
Spindle taper ISO 50
Spindle diameter 150 mm
Max. spindle speed 1500 rpm
Overhauled no

Year of manufacturing: 1994
X-axis travel: 15.000 mm
Y-axis travel: 2.500 mm
Z-axis travel: 700 mm
W-axis travel: 500 mm
U-axis travel: 900 m
Rapid feedrate axis X, Y, U: 20.000 mm/min
Rapid feedrate axis Z, W: 10.000 mm/min
Main spindle speed: 4-1.500 rpm
Main spindle speed S6, 40%: 4-3.000 rpm
Main spindle diameter: 150 mm
Spindle taper: ISO-50
Table size: 2.000 x 2.000 mm
Weight allowed on the table: 20.000 Kg.
Controller: Heidenhain iTCN530