24/08/2024 By admin Off

What is Orbital Stainless Steel Tube Welder?

An Orbital Stainless Steel Tube Welder is a specialized welding machine used to join stainless steel tubes or pipes in a circular, or “orbital,” manner. This technique is particularly valuable in industries where precision, cleanliness, and repeatability are crucial, such as in pharmaceutical, food processing, semiconductor, aerospace, and nuclear sectors.

Technical Explanation

  1. Orbital Welding Process:
    • Orbital welding refers to a process where the welding arc rotates 360 degrees around a stationary workpiece, typically a tube or pipe. The term “orbital” comes from the movement of the welding torch, which traces a circular path around the tube’s circumference.
    • The process is highly automated and controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC) or a computerized system that ensures consistency and precision in the welds.
  2. Components of an Orbital Welder:
    • Power Supply: Provides the necessary electrical energy for the welding process. The power supply can be adjusted to control parameters like current, voltage, and pulse rate.
    • Weld Head: The weld head is the part of the machine that holds and rotates the welding electrode or torch around the tube. It is designed to maintain precise alignment and pressure throughout the welding process.
    • Controller: A digital controller or PLC is used to program the welding parameters. This includes controlling the speed of the weld head rotation, the current applied, and the duration of the weld.
    • Cooling System: A cooling system is often included to manage the heat generated during the welding process, which is critical for maintaining the integrity of the stainless steel material.
  3. Types of Welding Techniques:
    • GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding): Also known as TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding, GTAW is the most common method used in orbital welding. It uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode and an inert gas, usually argon, to shield the weld from contamination.
    • Pulsed GTAW: In pulsed GTAW, the welding current alternates between a high and low setting, which helps in controlling the heat input and reduces the risk of overheating or burning through the material, especially thin-walled tubes.
  4. Applications:
    • High Purity Piping Systems: Industries such as pharmaceuticals and food processing require extremely clean and contaminant-free welds. Orbital welding is ideal for such applications due to its ability to create smooth, uniform, and defect-free welds.
    • Nuclear and Aerospace: These industries require welds that can withstand extreme conditions. Orbital welding provides the precision and strength needed for these critical applications.
  5. Advantages of Orbital Welding:
    • Consistency and Repeatability: Automated control ensures that every weld is identical, reducing the possibility of human error.
    • High-Quality Welds: The process produces smooth, uniform weld beads with minimal oxidation and no need for post-weld grinding or finishing.
    • Efficiency: Orbital welding can be faster than manual welding, particularly for repetitive jobs.
    • Minimal Operator Skill Required: Since the process is highly automated, it requires less operator skill compared to manual TIG welding, though operators still need to be trained in setting up and monitoring the machine.
  6. Challenges:
    • Initial Setup: Proper setup of the orbital welding machine, including calibration and parameter programming, is crucial and can be time-consuming.
    • Equipment Cost: Orbital welders are specialized and can be expensive, making them a significant investment.
    • Limited Access: The weld head must fit around the tube, which can be a challenge in tight or confined spaces.


An Orbital Stainless Steel Tube Welder is a sophisticated machine designed to automate the welding process for stainless steel tubes, ensuring high precision, consistency, and quality. It is widely used in industries that require flawless welds with minimal human intervention.

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