12/09/2024 By admin Off

What is Suction Band Filter System?

A Suction Band Filter System is a filtration mechanism commonly used in metalworking, machining, and other industrial processes to clean and recycle cutting fluids, lubricants, and coolants. This system uses a combination of mechanical filtration and suction to remove contaminants like metal chips, debris, and fine particles from the fluid, allowing it to be reused in a clean state. Here’s a technical breakdown of how it works:

Key Components:

  1. Filter Band (Conveyor Belt):
    • A permeable filter medium, usually in the form of a band or belt, that moves continuously or intermittently.
    • The band is made of materials like nonwoven fabric or mesh, which helps capture debris and particles as the contaminated fluid passes through.
  2. Suction Pump:
    • This is the main component driving the filtration. It generates a suction force to pull the fluid through the filter band.
    • The pump is typically a centrifugal or diaphragm type, designed to create the necessary vacuum pressure to move the fluid through the filtration system.
  3. Filtration Chamber:
    • The chamber houses the filter band and provides a controlled environment for filtration.
    • The fluid flows into this chamber, where it encounters the filter band.
  4. Sump or Reservoir:
    • After filtration, the cleaned fluid is collected in a sump or reservoir, ready to be recirculated back to the machine tool or process.
  5. Automatic Band Advance Mechanism:
    • As the filter band becomes clogged with particles and debris, it automatically advances, bringing a clean section of the band into position.
    • This automation ensures that the filtration process remains efficient and continuous without manual intervention.
  6. Discharge Area:
    • The debris collected on the filter band is transported to a discharge area, often into a collection bin or conveyor for disposal or recycling.

Working Principle:

  1. Fluid Collection: Contaminated coolant or lubricant from a machining process is directed into the filtration chamber, where it is pooled on top of the filter band.
  2. Suction Filtration: The suction pump creates a vacuum that pulls the fluid through the filter band. As the fluid is drawn through, solid particles and contaminants are trapped on the surface of the band.
  3. Debris Collection and Band Movement: When a certain level of debris accumulates on the filter band, the automatic advance mechanism moves the band forward, bringing a fresh section into the filtration zone. The debris on the band is carried to the discharge area for removal.
  4. Clean Fluid Recirculation: After passing through the filter band, the cleaned fluid is collected in the sump and pumped back into the machine tool or system.


  • Continuous Filtration: The system can run continuously without significant downtime for maintenance, as the filter band is automatically replaced with fresh sections.
  • Efficient Particle Removal: It can filter fine particles, metal shavings, and other contaminants effectively.
  • Extended Coolant Life: By removing contaminants, the system extends the life of cutting fluids and coolants, reducing the need for frequent replacement.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces costs associated with fluid disposal and new coolant purchases.


Suction Band Filter Systems are used in industries where large quantities of coolant or lubricant are circulated, such as:

  • CNC machining centers
  • Grinding machines
  • Milling and turning processes
  • Metal cutting and forming operations

This system is especially useful for machines that require high levels of cleanliness in the coolant to maintain precision, reduce tool wear, and improve surface finish.

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